A downloadable tool

Braincaek Logo┍━━━━━━━✁━━━━━━━┑

see the lance lazor collection here.


Lance Lazor is an official Briancake Productions Voice Synth

Braincake is a sole branding of Adam Snowflake the writer and creator of Lance Lazor. It is shared by many likness, educators, podcasters, and creative. Even though its adams name. Bncake Productions is his collective bargain of projects.


Aetists: pink squirel games, 


DIFF-SVC is a  VOCAL AI you can emulate to make songs.

DIFF-SVC FOR VOCAL SYNTH USERS a tutorial by by julieraptor

(local computer guide)


Lance Laser is voiced by Compulsive Ink - YouTube, and she is voiced and trained, on a Shure SM7B which is a home studio microphone with a surface audio interface all compulsive inks Vocal tracks as of writing are Public domain. But I ask that if you do use compulsive inks, vocals, in collaboration with compulsive ink, you do not use it for any kind of bank that isn't Lance, and Lance has a set of terms of use for both hybrid banks and jinrikis here. Lance was originally envisioned as primarily a. UTAU Voicebank as of writing, but is public domain and open to the interpretation of other people writing for her, Her terms of use are generally the honor system that cannot be enforced. But are requested by both the people behind the project and everybody who built her up to be what she is today, the merch and licenses still apply as a sort of homage to honor the work and effort that has gone into lance as well as provide proof of evidence of purchase in case there's any legal faults....


[compulsive ink]

StatusIn development
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