Lance Lazor CVC Petit Mot Français [French] [5.0]
A downloadable tool
"Please scroll down for the English translation!"
Record your own Petit Mot! (recourses and tutorials)
Lance Lazor is a virtual singer and voicebank for the UTAU software. UTAU is voice synthesizing software. It is essentially a plug and play collection of voice recordings that can be tuned and edited down into a virtual voice that sings, if you don't have a singer for your music or just like anime alot!
lance lazor la un fil veite un gal un sui voicebank non le stat en fil utau le se CPU adle del ven. Viva le UTAU un shosuwe un fil TUNING un stat UTAULOID non character. ANIME le fil un kilt lance.
The software comes in a variety of styles and Languages. The easiest to use for beginners is "CV JAPANESE". The following bank, and character is Lance Lazor's Mot Petit french VOICEBANK.
UTAU non francias un fil un vengard spanish franacais italias. Bon Shwa CV JAPANESE un kai sat nok' beginner friendly.
Each Voicebank has a character associated with it, which is what Lance Lazor is. Lance Lazor can be used commercially with the purchasing of a license it's currently only avaible in English my apologies! For full terms as to her commercial use please see this page on her website.
lance lazor gul un fil mascot non software.
Mot petit French may sound robotic to the untrained ear. This is because this software is not a natural human singing but rather a compilation of sounds made to sound like someone singing. This natural or uncanny effect will go away rather quickly with repeated listening to UTAUloids which are what the characters/voices for this software are called. Mascots/personifications of the voices themselves for usse in story, marketing and music videos.
Lance has no discernable personality say for being upbeat, genderfluid and pansexual! Lance prefers masculine verbs and perspectives when speaking or writing from his perspective, however no matter the gendered language you use all pronouns are fine! Lance is upbeat bubbly omnioust and that's where his personality ends the rest is up to you to determine. he's up to the viewer to decide! Lance has different eras to his voice! This is era [5.0]. The eras are based around microphone quality and vocal style/tone.
Lance's age is maluable. He can be portrayed as anywhere between 16 (default) to 23, with the main ages being, 13. 16. 19, and 23 respectivly. Lance tends to be a mostly blank slate, so he is very much open to interpretation.
Jinrikis based around Lance's voice are allowed, and derivatives are allowed, as well as rehosting the bank elsewhere as long as it links back to his original downloads- the rules and tos aren't changed, and the paid license is not given out for free.
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Bank: Mott Petit French
Vocier: Compulsive Ink/Adam Noizic
Reclist Credit:
Artist: PinksSquirelGames/TheMysticaShell/OSHWA
Designer: Adam Snowflake
Gender: Genderfluid
Pronouns: He/They/She (in any order)
Language: Français
Era: 5.0
18+ Use allowed: Yes permission not required but please age him up if you use him this way
Vocal Range:
Commercial use allowed: With purchasing of license
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Lance has merch such as Shirts and Posters that you can buy here
Buy Lance's Commercial License here on!
lances virttual bank collection and general digital goods
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Please credit the artists somewhere in your videos/covers if you use the art!
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utau no iun ifl je sui gjeolo dejete chat noir! crusheu. watahsino sisiter ladybug! alexy no hflnblood. je mepel de jeusui madokao magica public domain jeunfil jamie bday queinncesra je el fil un je me pil bank utau loid. vocaloid galacao vocie jemepel chinese oto ne mon un fil faracie chin hoim jelepel fvon je me sui jc sweetheart amanda boy tho. origato no sticking with me -zana #genderfluid #notmyproblme thankies felix! crushu desu!
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