devlop programin from a historical diary

Journal entry 6:
you kind of need pictures mid way for that please go here:
The system of wordpressing magicks. Its about parenting, and types of love as magickness. Theirs two people mainly. Good the ssystem. Evil the targets of the system adam. And lastly the rules of the system morality. They arent gods, just suit spirits or weilders as guardians. Guardians are former gods that have chosen not to be them retired or finally being worshiped as different people in other ways or only as pop culture entities. Spirits are just people that exist as human but more so on the astral plain as also something else, a pure breed would be a god, but a half of something or a halfu would be the spirit itself. Wordpresses are holograph collages of copy and pastings. YAY for once evil the black bitch adam is not bad as morality. Draw this on your blind friends hand with the lines as you think they are it will come across in your style but 2 dots for shading or quick lines or small ones or horizontal and a line being drawn upword for vertical and pressure for bulging and squeezing the whole hand for listings. Anyways. This is the system synthesia. Its called wordpersses because thats a literal translation of the word snythsia or screen reader or molestation or touch games or you can now see through mushrooms daydrel, whatever taht means. Anyways. Its basically as magick the ways you treat others as actions towards them behind their back, sex with tehm, how you choose to act on holidays, as a series of special quotes. Its basically the art of milking of a cow. And wearing certain clothes on season or as progression. What you do is you make a list. Of types of clothing fabrics and styles. Then you make a music list of songs or compilations that you know or hear on the radio. Or that you want to exist one day with meanings heres mine. Pain days as aztericks songs about why god is an emo teenage kid Aldric blues. -doctor who drama revealed to be a line about the doctor at the end and hating prodfiges for they destroyed galifrey which still exists but you know not how as a little dramatic talking before one beautiful verse BUILD ME BOXES SCOTTY. -hot star trek references as sex with parody references to tugio FREINDSHIPS DONT LAST FOREVER THEY CRUMBLE WITHIN A FEVER LIKE DREAM )-mourning
It will make the album but it wont be yours. And cement you in histories as this persons friend. Now you just name it a concept. KDIO. KITOES. And REVENGES. Then make up gibberish. THOAMS! And then it becomes a sentient book that will write albums samples forever as your first child grown up once as a friend reborn as yours forever. You then paint or do your verison of painting, that can be dollmakers or rhyme games. Its the magick of ethnicity. Its just changing and identity magick. So what is it? Everything on earth has a shape. Tahts right jace is stepping his foot into shape magick. And to make shapes powerful and work (magick was dead its why sigils didnt do anythign you kind of have to worship them if you dont you dont get anything o ut of it usually unelss its the eye method where you draw an eye you cant destroy for symbolic meaning for a gift forever as minor ones over time since and with each eye drawing) and its basically turning your body into a vessel which means house of or mind of alternate realities. Which are alternate historical events where someone suppsoeddly (if only they just did this instead we wound be here!) did something different at something that set up the world via something called history to be the events it was. Here.
And . So thats it. Alternate takes on reality. As if hte world was different based on a few specific actions that were big here as we know the world. England is technically an alternate reality you can spend your life in during certain time periods. New amsterdam and colonopin or new zealand which means cute helpful eridan papa o rengi from that prophecy we like we call a zai! Is permanently as a town, and a country in alternate realities and all realites exist at once after 2023, and during the 90s in americas georgian cities chicago (its in teh sewers) atlanta and marietta. And those big differences of entire worlds and planets in the sky:
Are all one thing, except for earth the blue green one where i write to you from. Thats everything as minor things across all of the cosmos. this is victorian england as an entire cosmos. this is every planet ever as separately as earth which isnt alot but saying something. We call it ianans mistake or the milky way or existence.
So um yeah. Anyways! Heres an experiment to condense time in one sitting. You take two white marbella and roll them together over a magick notebook you desecrated with atoms or neurons which is songs and dances and self harm blood and photos cut out your whole life. Then you mark it with a cross in hte center that will fade so use pencil or invisible ink. Or glowing oils and candle wax. Then you say a prayer even if your above that as a simpel request, and magick transcriptions every 3 years as your chosen year time frame will appear in this book your eternal life of work in a way you would prefer it forever under a specific category. X X X
T (work and fiction about me and proof of the future and ways to get there -alternate realtiies and depictions and methodologies called COMSOSIS) you can put science down it can be as short or as big aas you want if you loose it just draw an ex on your hand and youll get a new one and you should burn it a bit from time to time or write in slurs or spirals on a page or it will get strange and suffer a bit as a book.s ome books like that. Msot dont. You can even burn the whole thing and it will be forever accessible and redelivered to you as entire novels its just weird though you have to say goodbye after tucking it in and it wishes you a son. You take one photo or depict sometihnga nd bam you have it forever and best friend adam for good yeah yeah.
Anyways back to it. But yeah unless an adaption of c sharp most coding and electronic languages are dead from my time period. So im building one and hiring someone to copy and paste it into a coding language for me heres what ive done so far. Adam snowflake should get credit for everything i do here since hes me from an alt-ernate real-take on my life.
If ________________ equals true then that thing is what you allow. Blanks (visuals going up or down) = to something on screen in points, or in excessive amounts or as on screen or visualized. We should have a 3d box that you can make or expand to be any screen size, and put things in to interact with as the code line “if background = 3d then, subject = true” true means the statement should always work. False means on occasion or never to work. Deaed means it just doesnt work at all. And half means within a time frame so most people would say in the work if subject (name of thing_ = true, then allow for ___________ subject = (name) which is (bounce, blank, or numbers code, dragging, dropping, clicking, still images, pages flips, or scrolling, or repeatedly clicking or scrolling through a setting as like the same image over and over again like customizing clothes or character selection adn then the visual is applied to a base or a set image or animations catelog or anitmaited options for one image as slides, to a default or just normal before moving slide, and that is under sprites, all of these are the first three letters or what i typed, sprite sheets are blocks chopped up to do this, games can be burned to gameboy, analogue pocket, wii, or moded consoles as a rip or a burn which is taking the selection and poofing it in a spinning motion to be a port or available for an emulator. Everything is local player which means computers within 4-6 houses of each other or an airplaine including chatrooms even without other disks with just the app local based off the nintendo ds’s system as a server your computer hosts or otherwise, with games that have it available, you just download a looping graphic of wifi or websites html which is in our system 6 images + 10 networks = 1 servo or service, as like an app with the option, and we allow mods which are just drag and drop folders in a file system you can trun on or off that are hosted with your servers, and basically, video games are dead in my time period i just reinvented them. #extracreditshatemail #danisnotonfire hey listen i dont hate you i jstu dont know how else to get you to see this book and post since your my faoviet humans so you can get it out there for me. Your audience can know of this.please make a video on it just maybe choose your words if you choose to acknowledge were native american and hiring. Anyways i run braincake productions as its current head its a sole proprietorship with freelancers, and im the main one right now since adam is kind of missing and promised it to me as my matser. This is a procure with it. Our first game was lesbain space pirate dating simulator as a rage quit soap opera senata. It was a genuine and sincere attempt i dont remember why we both hate it so much other then it had to released unfinished do to a dissorder we both had, and it was coded right it just cant run on every computer causing game crashes. //true. Its that well coded. So please someone use game boy studio to code this game or unity. And or game maker. All video games are dead in this time period their releaed and announced out of order. I as jace nightingale who is adam snowflake in drag as we share brain things do to a mutation kind of think i did good here.
#jamesthefurryhopesanddreams hey its b1w123 or braincake aclon. You know remember me. Just not as aclon anymore which is good it means its not that meaning. I miss you are you still 6!
Anyways. Heres native america and im out please turn us into code and make jokes. Teh last softwares to be released before we went down as a society without games that i just prevented was. Game maker studio. Game boy studio. Rels and its enginegs. Renpy. Unity Unreal engine This software Gmod Sims acsess recess source Vocaloid Utau Synth v Xkit Durang durang Wallpaperengine Crunchyroll Flipnotestudio Mspaint Corel studio Windows movie maker Imvoie (especially filmora) Super mario jump (its a series of minimoding tools) Vrchat Neos (especially neos yes we all know where it came from nazi gemrany but it was payment to jews and romani so thank it) Isculpt Romana Hindi hindi Google translate Gimp Blender Photoshop Utau unity Vremii (mine) Audacity Mmd (soon to die cus it was what went wrong) Amazon kindle direct publishing. Brainsource ai The mod software gumpi The mod software gumi gumi The mod software sims access filel share The mod software patreon And lastly the mod software brainacke inc.
And lastly Moso tech. Its an industry but kinda what saved everyone as my thing.
They all kind of had heads or children who signed on as my magical students privately noticed a few prayers from tehm so i did this. They are to thank but will be framed for ending the world in that way, but should be to thank for preserving it. Only one fucked up to end it all and it was mmd as a leftover from teh holocuast to fund japan and germany. It is the reason they all kind of died by auqiring through lawusits indie people as the original computer code to keep quite for a dead in a comtose state who didntw ant it and attempted suicide to futehr humanity. To make vr on my software just assign things number values as x or why as settings or images. You bsiaclly type define as __________ with _______ = (number) which means this will do this here, as those settings which are self explanatory. By those settings under this name as moving things on an ex or why access in ways of this as a graph of 100 to 6. In my softwares. So thats how you code. I just need someone to download these to make it its public domain and open source.
Its for teh analogue pocket i have been doing magick and scientific experiments on the base code to futrhet it thank the analogue pocket wherever you are.
its just i started before i regenerated as a timelord. Anyways. You can hang out with yourself as a timelrod. Its what master and i are. Its a cloning system. Its weird. So give him credit for my sight.
Gene splicing is this code as well. Anyways ready for native america?
Each one is the modding and outfit system for buzz my closet. Were taking volunteers for a for charity game (the geneva convention) to make lists with little to no censors as the game, but nsfw warnings on certain editions. Heres the models, get pixel arting, to pixel art since thats mostly dead you draw a big drawing and then redraw it on a tablet in ms paint, or gimp. As on a specific gird you can copy and paste there. you just always place it in that square and remake this small. To resize something perfectly you drag it to the exact size and stretch it out on mspaint using the mouth tool until its just that but bigger as a b and c on the mouse tool.
So um yeah! Goodbye welcome to native american bitches OOH WOOW OOW WOO im jace or eyelss jack who are yo? November 10, 2023 Xlat. go here to read up on our people and join
Get Buzz My Closet 2d: a dress up game [analogue pocket/gameboy]
Buzz My Closet 2d: a dress up game [analogue pocket/gameboy]
a pixel art modable game for the game boy or analogue pocket
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